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Common questions, uncommon solutions.

If you have any concerns about your water, it is a good idea to consult with a water treatment professional for further guidance.

Image by Susan Wilkinson

If you live in a city and get your water from a public water supply, here are a few important points to keep in mind. 

Public water systems are required to meet certain standards for water quality, as established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, it is still a good idea to be aware of any potential contaminants that may be present in your water and to regularly test your water to ensure it is safe to drink.

Water pipes for drinking water supply lie on the construction site. View from a large conc

Well Water Conditions

By being aware of these issues and taking appropriate precautions, you can help ensure that your well water is safe and reliable.

Water pipes for drinking water supply lie on the construction site. View from a large conc

Water Treatment FAQ

Benefit from partnering with a local water expert! 

What is hard water?

Water hardness pertains to the quantity of tasteless, odorless minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, that groundwater absorbs as it passes over substances like limestone and other organic materials. The bulk of the usable water in the United States and worldwide originates from groundwater, which is why a significant portion of our country's water supply is categorized as hard.

These naturally occurring minerals in hard water pose no health risks, yet they can present challenges for your household. 

Hard water is best known for leaving mineral deposits on your plumbing, fixtures, and even on water-utilizing appliances.

Why should I use a professional for water treatment?

Water problems, much like homes, exhibit a wide range of variations. Occasionally, resolving water-related issues can be as straightforward as using a DIY product, while in other instances, it demands a more intricate approach. Elements like elevated levels of contaminants, the coexistence of multiple pollutants, excessive water consumption, or intricate plumbing and installation conditions can transform a seemingly simple task into a task best suited for a professional.

Bad Taste & Odors in Water

The initial stride towards improving your water quality involves identifying potential issues with your water. If your water exhibits unpleasant tastes or odors, it may suggest the presence of one or multiple contaminants. Fortunately, there is a wide array of water treatment solutions accessible to address various water-related issues.

Water Treatment FAQ

Remember to consult your water softener's user manual for specific maintenance instructions and recommendations, as maintenance requirements can vary between different models and manufacturers.

Plain Water

Reverse Osmosis Benefits

RO systems can significantly enhance the taste and odor of water by eliminating impurities and undesirable elements. Many people find that RO-treated water has a much cleaner and more refreshing flavor.

RO can effectively remove potentially harmful substances like lead, arsenic, fluoride, and chlorine from the water supply, making it safer for consumption and reducing health risks.

Water Foam

Water Treatment Cost

Water treatment total cost depends on the quality of the water source and the installation application. 

Operating cost are also a factor. 

Although the investment costs may initially seem high, they are more than offset by the reduced expense generated by the savings associated with better water quality. 


Salt Free Filtration Systems

Non-salt water softeners aren't true water softeners because they do not eliminate hardness minerals or generate soft water. Instead, salt-free water softeners modify the chemical composition of water.


In essence, the hardness minerals remain in your water but in an altered chemical state

water softeners

Lifespan of Water Softener

The average lifespan of a water softener can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the system, the water hardness in your area, how well it's maintained, and the specific model or brand.


However, in general, you can expect a well-maintained water softener to last anywhere from 7-10 years or more!

clean water

Water Softener Maintenance

Proper maintenance can also extend the lifespan of your equipment and prevent potential issues. Here are some key aspects of water softener maintenance:

  1. Salt Refilling: For traditional ion exchange water softeners, adding salt is a regular maintenance task. Check the salt level in the brine tank regularly and ensure it doesn't fall too low, as this can affect the softening capacity of the system.

  2. Cleaning the Brine Tank: Periodically, clean the brine tank to remove any salt residues or sediment buildup. Rinse the tank and clean the float assembly if necessary.

  3. Check for Salt Bridges: A salt bridge occurs when a hard crust forms above the salt in the brine tank, preventing salt from dissolving properly. If you notice a salt bridge, carefully break it up to ensure salt can be effectively mixed with water.

  4. Inspect and Clean the Resin Tank: Check the resin tank for any signs of resin beads clumping together or fouling. If you notice issues, you may need to clean the resin tank or schedule a professional resin bed cleaning.

  5. Adjust Regeneration Frequency: Depending on your water hardness and usage, you may need to adjust the regeneration frequency of your water softener. Too frequent or too infrequent regeneration can both be problematic. Consult your user manual for guidance.

  6. Inspect Valves and Connections: Periodically inspect all valves and connections for leaks or signs of wear. Tighten any loose connections and replace damaged components as needed.

  7. Sanitization: It's a good practice to sanitize your water softener periodically. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria in the system. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for sanitizing your specific model.

  8. Replace Resin Bed: Over time, the resin bed in your water softener can become exhausted and less effective. Depending on the system and usage, you may need to replace the resin bed every 10 to 20 years.

  9. Annual Professional Servicing: It's advisable to have a professional water softener service technician inspect and service your system annually. They can perform a thorough check, clean the components, and address any potential issues.

  10. Monitor Water Quality: Regularly test the softened water to ensure it meets your expectations. If you notice a decline in water quality, it may be time for maintenance or adjustments.

Proper maintenance will help ensure that your water softener continues to provide you with softened water and extends the life of your equipment.

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